Blood maybe be thicker than water but not near as sweet. We drink but water and supple leaf. By this mixture the body becomes strong, wise as if by magical transference. The word beautiful is not enough, The liquid shimmers and lingers long in the marrow. Such is a path which extends back to before time. It wakes up in us ourselves, would we but have the love of water.
Learning to appreciate water is the essential element in tea brewing. It may be a first step or may come later, to love tea and water together is the progress to the exalted state. It is method through which we continually bow to the presence of life. It is a slow road to the divine embrace of self infinite —
By tea we may greet ourselves and other in truth and respect. Words may deceive, packages made to misrepresent, though energy never lies. It is a process of sharing which can unite and overcome all division —