Ever since I met you
I began to enjoy Romance
Sweet, beautiful and heart warming,
Happiness is full of energy,
Life nourishes in abundance of Joy,
Revealing the splendor of the Rainbow,

And always there is True Love,
As long as you know how to share,
Nectar falls from the Heaven,
Moistening the lungs, cleansing the spleen and refreshing— Once broadened and leveled after enlightenment,
Then one sees that it was not difficult at all,
The Galaxy is not far away,
The Universe though vast, presents no obstacles,
The wondrous realm of Truth, Virtue and Beauty,
One could wholeheartedly appreciate the Reappearance of the Grace,
Let’s Return to the Nascent Truth together,
And to bathe forever in the baby soup of the Ocean of Love
~ Ruaan
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